
Well Known Member
Possible, controlling the trimmer for testing? ℹ

Guys, is it possible to test the trimmer
right after the empennage is done?

What would be the tools required for that?

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Not sure which trim is used on the -14, but on my -8 I tested the Ray Allen trim motor using a 9 volt battery. Runs slower than normal, but good for testing. Good luck with your build!
Not sure which trim is used on the -14, but on my -8 I tested the Ray Allen trim motor using a 9 volt battery. Runs slower than normal, but good for testing. Good luck with your build!

It says ES-MSTS-T3-12A TRIM SERVO on
the drawings, I think it is Ray Allen 12A servo. So if
I will connect the right voltage to the right colored wires,
it will give me some motion, right? 😁
testing servo

Right. It is 12 Volts, not 12 amps. Use a car battery. You can add power and run it in both directions.
Right. It is 12 Volts, not 12 amps. Use a car battery. You can add power and run it in both directions.

Car battery works, but nowhere near as convenient as a 9 volt (as someone mentioned above). Yup - runs slower, but it lets you know that it is working.
The white wires are the power wires connect them to the 9 V battery then reverse them on the battery for the oposite direction