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Avidyne 440 + Forflight + Jeppesen question


Well Known Member
I need to get data for my IFD 440 from Jeppesen. I want to be able to use Foreflight and the IFD 100 app on my I pad as well. I already have charts and maps on my Dynon system from Seattle Avionics and from Foreflight with my Pro plus subscription. Now I need to get data to use on my IFD 440 from Jeppesen. Foreflight can use Jeppesen charts and plates I understand and must have the Jeppeson data to be able to interface with the IFD 440 through the IFD 100 app on the I pad. I think I've got all of this correct but please correct me if I am wrong.

What minimum Jeppeson subscription am I going to need to use my IFD 440 and my I pad running the IFD 100 app? This stuff is expensive enough without doubling up when you don't need to. Help from those whom have gone down this path would be most appreciated. Thanks :confused::confused::confused::confused:
Jepp subs for IFD440

We have an IFD440/AERA-660 combo in a certified plane and went with the basic NavData (full USA) which is not cheap, but the cheapest option. We accept the "warning" that our obstacle database is out of date on each startup but that does not prevent you from using the nav-data for approaches. Rocks don't move that often.

EDIT: we do not buy jepp charts, we use our foreflight IFR subscription for that. The IFD100 iPad app is fun to play with but on the simple trips we have taken, so far not much use. If we had a complicated clearance with changes it would be easier to enter in the FMS.

You have to update the IFD100 data each time you update the IFD440 but this is not an extra cost. Just a pain the neck. It's the same login you use for your JDM app. If you do NOT keep them in synch weird stuff will happen and you won't know why.

As you probably know, Jepp's accounting/billing was written in COBOL and LISP and the last person who knew how to maintain it died many years ago so dealing with Jepp to get a straight and consistent answer is almost impossible.

At least they are always nice about it. :)